The Best Website, 230 pts
You are provided with a seemingly useless website. Upon further inspection, it is a legitimately useless website. However, in the source of index.html you see a comment directing developers to record their changes in log.txt
. Visiting log.txt
, you see that a super secret flag was added to the database, and there is a timestamp. This will be important later.
Continuing your inspection of the website, you see it makes a network request to /boxes?ids=<id1>,<id2>,<id3>
. From either the hint or previous knowledge, you can determine that these are MongoDB object ids. Googling what makes up a MongoDB object id, you find how it is made. The machine and process ID are shared, the counter can just be incremented by one, and the timestamp can be gotten through this useful website (be careful of time zones though).
After reconstructing the object id, substituting it for one of the current ids gives the flag.